通过对福建泉州南安废弃大理石粉理化特性研究,认为废弃大理石粉比表面积大、Ca O含量高,具备替代天然石灰石配料煅烧硅酸盐水泥熟料的潜在价值。生料易烧性试验显示:废弃大理石粉替代天然石灰石配料煅烧水泥熟料可行。在试验室研究基础上,进行30%废弃大理石粉替代天然石灰石配料煅烧水泥熟料的工业化试验研究,所产熟料经X射线衍射仪测试,确认熟料中物相组成为:C3S、C2S、C3A、C4AF。熟料各项技术指标均符合GB/T21372-2008《硅酸盐水泥熟料》国家标准全部技术要求。本研究成果已在福建省新型干法旋窑水泥熟料生产线得到工业化应用,并取得国家发明专利。
The waste marble powder with large surface area and high Ca O content from Nan'an of Quanzhou in Fujian,has the potential value of replacing natural limestone in the clinker of Portland cement.The burnability test of raw meal showed that it was feasible to replace natural limestone with marble powder in the cement clinker. On the basis of laboratory research, the industrial test of cement clinker was carried out with 30% waste marble powder instead of natural limestone.The produced clinker was tested by X-ray diffraction.The mineral composition of clinker was C2 S,C3A,C3 S, and C4 AF.All the technical indexes of the clinker are in accordance with the national standard of GB/T21372-2008,《Silicate Cement Clinker》.The achievements have been applied to the new dry rotary kiln cement clinker production line in Fujian Province, and awarded the national invention patent.
China Building Materials Science & Technology
waste marble powder
alternative limestone ingredients
calcining clinker