通过介绍MB+网的应用对象、特点、工作方式、帧格式等,简要介绍坝区监控系统(以下简称坝区LCU)的MB+组网结构,以底孔闸门控制系统为例,重点阐述在施耐德Premium PLC Unity Pro如何以MB+通信编程方式实现坝区LCU对辅助控制系统的数据采集与控制,总结万家寨水电站MB+组网应用特点、不足及处理措施,指出利用MB+网对水电站辅助设备在检修、运行方面的作用及实现万家寨水电站现代化建设和发展上所表现出的意义。
With the introduce of MB+ communication' s object, characteristic,frame format, this document talk about the MB+ structure of gate system.the example of bottom arc gate scada outlines how to date collection and gate control using premium plc unity pro MB+ communication. Summary of Wanjiazai power plant MB+ character,downside and measures,point the function and sense of MB+ network in hydropower station.
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