
关注研究热点,注重证据质量,努力提高非动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变临床诊疗水平 被引量:7

Pay attention to the research hotspots and evidence quality for the diagnosis and treatment of non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
摘要 非动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变(NAION)是以视力、视野等视功能不同程度受损的成人常见急性视神经病变。其发生发展与糖尿病、夜间低血压、遗传等全身危险因素以及小视杯、玻璃体视盘牵拉等局部危险因素的共同作用有关。临床及研究工作中,要全面提升NAION诊疗水平,除了应努力提高研究证据质量,全面、客观、科学分析全身及局部危险因素与NAION发生发展的关系,加快推动NAION危险因素的确证外,NAION继发性视神经损害以及对侧眼发病的及时发现和有效防治也值得重视。 Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) is one of the most common acute optic neuropathy in adult characterized with impaired visual acuity and visual fields. The pathogenesis of NAION mostly result from the interactions between the systemic risk factors (such as diabetes mellitus, night hypotension, hereditary) and the local ocular risk factors (such as small optic disc and vitreo-papillary traction). A fully promoted diagnosis and treatment of NAION are based on the higher levels of clinical evidence, as well as the comprehensive assessment of relationship between the systemic and ocular risk factors in the pathogenesis of NAION. Secondary optic neuropathy of NAION and the early diagnosis with effective treatment of the fellow eye would be highly emphasized.
作者 钟勇 陈婷
出处 《中华眼底病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期521-523,共3页 Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
关键词 视神经病变 缺血性/病因学 危险因素 Optic neuropathy, ischemic/etiology Risk factors
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