The ship wastes quantity was huge in the Ankang to Baihe waterway, by investigating the existingproduction in Hanjiang River. Meanwhile, most of ship wastes was collected or processed in the garbage can or land-fill mainly and simply. These simple measures are difficult to satisfy the further need of Hanjiang River. Accordingto the characteristics and problems of the wastes processing measures, three methods were proposed in this paper.Firstly, the organic and biochemical treatment method will be recommended to the kitchen and washroom garbagein the ships with 100~200 persons. Secondly, the ship wastes will be centralizing processed in the land. Meanwhile,eight waste recycling stations will be set up in the land. Thirdly, the special recovery ship will be used to someports. The pollution of ship wastes is overall prevented, by the comprehensive measures in the ship and on the land.
Journal of Waterway and Harbor