
SaaS模式的图书馆新媒体融合系统2.0构建 被引量:4

Construction of the Merged New Media System 2. 0 for Library Based on Saa S Mode
摘要 分析新媒体环境下国外数字图书馆的发展现状和特点,将维基、微信、微博、社交网络等多种Web2.0的新媒体服务和Saa S模式的图书馆运营平台相融合,提出一种基于Saa S模式的数字图书馆新媒体融合系统2.0(New Media Lib2.0),并对New Media Lib2.0的核心——内容管理2.0(CMS2.0)进行重点阐述。New Media Lib2.0的思路对国内图书馆在大数据、云计算和新媒体时代下创新发展研究有一定的借鉴作用。 Analyze the development status and characteristics of foreign digital libraries in the new media environment. Integrate the new media services of Web2. 0, such as Wiki, WeChat, Microblog, SNS, to the library operation platform based on SaaS model. Give the new media fusion system model for digital library 2. 0 (NewMediaLib2. 0) constructed by SaaS, and describe the core module of NewMediaLib2. 0 -- the content management module (CMS2. 0). The ideas with NewMediaLib2.0 have a certain reference to research on innovation development of the domestic libraries in the era of big data, cloud computing and new media.
作者 李潺
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2015年第21期49-54,共6页 Research on Library Science
关键词 新媒体 融合 图书馆 软件及服务 new media merge library SaaS
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