
新媒体使用特征与用户利他价值取向关系研究 被引量:1

Relationship Between Attribute of New Media Use and Audiences' Altruistic Value Orientation
摘要 本研究以媒介使用频率及多样性为自变量,移情意识为中介变量,研究新媒体使用特征对用户利他价值取向影响,在问卷调查的基础上对理论框架进行实证分析,得出如下结论:(1)新媒体使用频率和多样性通过移情意识对用户社会责任取向、回报取向及公平取向产生显著负向影响,其中作用大小顺序依次均为:责任维度、公平维度、回报维度;(2)新媒体使用频率和多样性对移情意识均产生负向影响,而移情意识对用户利他价值取向的三个维度均具有显著积极效应;(3)用户道德水平在新媒体使用频率及多样性与移情意识关系中均具有显著负向调节作用;(4)在主效应中,各路径系数对不同年龄段用户大小存在显著差异。最后,基于研究结论给出了新媒体相应的管理策略。 With the frequency and diversity of new media use as independent variables, and empathy as the mediator, the effect of new media context on audiences' value orientation was studied and the influential mechanism was explored. Based on network questionnaire survey and empirical analysis, it is concluded that through empathy, the frequency and diversity of new media use have a significant negative effect on audiences' social responsibility, reciprocity, social justice, respectively in'a decreasing order. The frequency and diversity of new media use have a significant negative effect on empathy which has a positive effect on the three dimensions of audiences' altruistic value orientation in turn. The moral identity of audiences' has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between frequency and diversity of new media use and empathy. Besides, there exists an age group difference in the main effect of model. Based on these conclusions, some measures and proposals for management of new media were proposed.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期80-90,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目(14BXW046)) 教育部"新世纪人才项目资助"(NCET-11-0337) "985"工程三期项目子课题(TS0220320005) "985"工程三期国际合作项目(TS05020120001) 上海交通大学文理交叉项目课题(13JCZ01)
关键词 媒介使用频率 媒介使用多样性 利他价值取向 移情意识 道德认同 frequency of new media use diversity of new media use~ altruistic valueorientation empathy moral identity
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