
医院药学技术人员核心能力调查与分析 被引量:25

Survey and analysis of the core capabilities of hospital pharmaceutical specialists
摘要 目的:了解医院药学技术人员核心能力的提升情况,找出薄弱环节以利改进,促进医院药学整体水平提高。方法:向全国18个省市的65所医疗机构下发药师用、医护人员用及病人用的《医院药学技术人员核心能力书面调查表》,对调查数据进行分类采集和汇总,从医院药学技术人员服务能力、科研能力、合作能力三方面进行分析。结果和结论:共下发书面调查表3840份,56位学员收回3045份调查表。结果显示医院药学技术人员在药品供应和保障、处方(医嘱)审方与药品调剂、药品不良反应(ADRs)/药品不良事件评价、药品信息处理和临床药学服务方面均具有较强的工作能力,特别是在药品保障、药品供应流程协调、用药咨询与用药交待、合理用药知识宣教方面不仅具有较强的服务意识和出色完成任务的能力,还得到了医护人员和病人的认可。药学技术人员获得的科研成果数量基本上与医护人员相当。药师优先合作的行业是计算机信息技术行业及行业协会。直接与政府对话及学术交流是药学技术人员最能取得支持的活动方式。参与医药政策、药事管理、新药研发相关课题研究、学术交流、药物治疗的安全性和有效性评价及特殊病人用药指导等均是药学技术人员与院外社会团体、企业、社会公众常用的合作方式。但调查数据也显示,医院药学技术人员在ADRs/药品不良事件评价的参与度和普及率、处方适宜性审查处理能力及问题处理中与医护人员的沟通、自动化调剂的宣教和药学信息的传递更新、取得病人的信任度及药学信息网建设等方面还有许多不足之处,药学技术人员申请科研立项并获取资金资助、专利授权的能力需进一步加强。药师从政策或法律的角度更需要得到政府的支持。 Objective:To investigate the improvement of the core capabilities of hospital pharmaceutical specialists and find out their weak links,so as to improve the overall pharmaceutical level of hospitals. Methods:Copies of the questionnaire on "the core capabilities of hospital pharmaceutical specialists" applicable to hospital pharmacists, medical personnel and patients were issued to 65 medical facilities of 18 provinces and cities. The data obtained from the survey were collected, classified and summa- rized, and then, analyses were made from the aspects of service, research and cooperative capability. Results and Conclusion: To- tally,3840 copies of questionnaire were issued and 3045 copies were retrieved by 56 students. The survey results indicated that hospital pharmaceutical specialists had strong competency in drug supply and support, prescription (medical orders) review, ad- verse drug reactions (ADRs)/adverse drug events (ADEs) evaluations,drug information processing and clinical pharmaceutical care. They were not only highly competitive in drug support, drug supply process coordination, medication consultation and di- rections,popularization and education on the knowledge of rational medication, but their work was unanimously recognized by hospital medical personnel and patients. Research achievements of hospital pharmaceutical specialists were equal in quantity to those of hospital medical personnel. The professions hospital pharmacists chose for cooperation were computer information tech nology and professional societies. Direct communications with the government and academic exchanges were the most popular activities,for which they could get support. Participation in the development of medical policies, pharmaceutical management, new drug research,academic exchanges,evaluations on the safety and efficacy of drug treatment and medication directions for special patients was the most popular form of cooperation between pharmaceutical specialists and social bodies, enterprises and the public. However,survey results also indicated that hospital pharmaceutical specialists were still weak in direct involvement of evaluations of ADRs/ADEs,the ability of prescription suitability review and the ability of communication with medical per- sonnel, the popularization and education on automatic drug dispensing, the transmission and updating of pharmaceutical informa- tion,enjoyment of trust from patients, as well as the construction of pharmaceutical information network. Pharmaceutical spe- cialists should further improve their capabilities in the awarding of research projects and financial support, and patent authoriza- tion as well. Hospital pharmacists should get more support from the government from policy and legal perspectives.
出处 《药学服务与研究》 CAS 2015年第5期321-328,共8页 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
关键词 医院药学 核心能力 药学服务 问卷调查 hospital pharmacy core eapability pharmaceutical care questionnaire
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