

Research on the Application of Anonymous Service in Regional Health Information Platform
摘要 为了解决患者数据越来越多地应用到临床诊疗服务、教学、临床科研和公共卫生等领域遭到隐私泄露的问题,采用基于HIPAA法案的Safe Harbor方法,设计研究一种灵活可配置的以CDA文档为输入输出的匿名化服务为解决匿名化的解决方案,达到区域卫生信息平台信息的隐私保护的结果。最终结论研究实现以匿名化服务,结合数据共享协议的使用,实现区域卫生信息平台上患者信息的隐私保护。 In order to solve more and more patient data to the clinical application of medical services,education,clinical research and public health and other fields have been the purpose of privacy.Safe Harbor method based HIPAA-designed study with a flexible configurable input and output CDA document to resolve anonymous service-oriented solutions to achieve regional health information platform information privacy results.The study concluded that in order to achieve the ultimate anonymity service,combined with the use of data-sharing agreements,to achieve privacy protection on regional health information platform for patient information.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2015年第11期80-82,107,共4页 China Digital Medicine
基金 广州市医药卫生科技项目(编号:20131A031002) 国家卫生信息共享技术及应用工程技术研究中心(编号:2013FU125Q03)~~
关键词 区域卫生信息平台 匿名化 web服务 HIPAA SAFE HARBOR CDA regional health information platform anonymization web service HIPAA Safe Harbor CDA
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