Collected in the book entitled Planning Twentieth-Century Capital Cities edited by David GORDON, this article is a com- bination of two articles by Peter HALI.: " Seven Types of Capital City " (translated by GUO Leixian) and "What Is the Future of Capital Cities?" (trans- lated by ZHAO Wenning) From the per- spective of urban functional evolution, geopolitical patterns, and global urban system, the author expands the narrow definition of capital city as the national po- litical center and the locality of the central government of a country to a broader un- derstanding- viewing the capital cities as global, national, and local central cities. Based on a study of the relationship between the development of capital cities and the global economic and political struc- ture, the author argues that not all the capital cities that hold the national govern- ments attract commercial, financial, media, and higher education, and other national functions. Capital cities can be classified into seven types, and one capital city may combine several types. The de- velopment of capital cities in the 21~' century is bound to be influenced by globalization and informationalization. The author's study on capital cities provides a valuable theoretical reference for an indepth understanding on both the capital functions of Beiiing and the core issues concerning the planning of China's capital region.
Journal of Urban and Regional Planning