
河南农村12岁留守儿童口腔健康知识及行为调查 被引量:3

Survey of oral health knowledge and habits of twelve years old left-behind children in Henan province countryside
摘要 目的了解河南省12岁农村留守儿童口腔健康知识、观念及行为现状,为其口腔卫生保健工作提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,选择河南省农村740名12岁留守儿童进行问卷调查,并以非留守儿童作为对照。对受检儿童采取集体答卷方式,当场收回问卷。结果留守儿童中每天进食1次以上甜点、糖果/巧克力、糖水、碳酸型饮料和加糖果汁的比例分别为39.3%、32.7%、23.7%、27.8%和27.5%;不是每天刷牙或从不刷牙的留守儿童比例为42.6%;留守儿童的牙线知晓率、使用率和含氟牙膏使用率极低;留守儿童口腔健康知识知晓率较低,大多数留守儿童认同口腔健康的重要性;留守儿童1年内就医比例为26.4%,半数以上是因为牙疼就医。结论河南省农村12岁留守儿童口腔健康知识较贫乏,口腔健康行为、就医行为不容乐观,存在知识和行为的不统一。 Objective To investigate the oral healthcare habits,concepts and knowledge of twelve years old "left-behind"(LB)children in the countryside of Henan province to lay foundation for the prevention of oral diseases in these children. Methods A total of 740 LB and 783non-LB twelve year old children from the countryside of Henan province were selected and surveyed using stratified random sampling method.The survey questionnaire was developed according to the questionnaire used for twelve year old children in the the Third National Oral Health Epidemiological Survey.The questionnaires were answered on the spot in school. Results The ratio of eating sweet food,candy or chocolate,sugar-contained water,soft drinks and sugar-contained fruit juice in LB children were 39.3%,32.7%,23.7%,27.8% and 27.5%,respectively.42.6% LB children brushed teeth less than once a day or never.Very few children knew floss,floss usage and fluoride-contained toothpaste.Only less than half LB children knew some oral health knowledge whereas most LB children agreed with the importance of oral health.26.4% visited dentist in the past one year because of toothache. Conclusions The twelve year old LB children in Henan province are active for oral health.However,they lack oral health knowledge and often have wrong oral habits and concepts.There is a inconsistency between idea and action of LB children.
出处 《中国儿童保健杂志》 CAS 2015年第11期1185-1187,共3页 Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
基金 河南省科技厅科技攻关项目(132102310134) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(13A320631)
关键词 口腔健康 留守儿童 问卷调查 oral health left-behind children questionnaire survey
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