

Study on the Location and Main Historic Events of the Descendents for the Emperor Huang, Yao, Shun and Yu(Part Two)
摘要 黄帝是中国的人文先祖,其史迹遍布中国南北。其出生地在寿丘(或曰青丘)。根据古星野学术,寿星(长沙星)、青丘星分别对应寿丘(长沙国)、青丘国(楚东南),以及其妻子西陵氏(其妻西陵氏当居长江中游地区,可能在石家河古城)、玄嚣一系后裔所居,可推断寿丘在南方。黄帝代神农氏"北逐荤粥,合符釜山,而邑于涿鹿之阿",后又与蚩尤南北分治,因而长期生活在北方。黄帝战胜蚩尤后代神农氏为天子,其都位于南方,其死后也葬于湖南黄陵,而群臣葬其衣冠于陕北桥山。其子孙有二系,昌意—颛顼—鲧—禹一系当在中原,而玄嚣(青阳)—帝喾—帝挚—帝尧一系当在南方。南方文化北上中原有较多地下遗存证据,屈家岭—石家河文化将势力扩张到黄河流域,与黄帝北上大体相应。黄帝南北子孙共同创造了华夏文明。 The Emperor Huang is the cultural ancestor of Chinese, and the historic sites are located in many places in China. According to the ancient astrology, Shouxing(Changsha Star), Qingqiuxing are located in the Shouqiu(Changsha Kingdom), Qingqiu Kingdom(southwest of Chu) respectively, and their wives Xiling(the wife Xiling lived in the middle of Changjiang area, probably at the Shijiahe old city), Xuanxiao and their descendents living places can infer that Shouqiu is in the south. The Emperor Huang replacing Shennong at first, then Chiyou ruled the south, while he ruled the north, so he lived in the north for a long time. The Emperor Huang conquered the descendents of Chiyou and became the Emperor, and the capital was in the south, then he was buried in the Huangling in Hubei province, while his officials were buried in the Qiaoshan of Shanxi Province. His descendents were divided in the two, the first Changyi, Zhuanxu, Gun and Yu living in the central plain, the second Xiaoxiao(Qingyang), Diku,Dizhi and Diyao living in the south. There are many left evidences for the south culture entering the north plain, Qujialing, Shijiahe culture pushing their influence at the Huanghe area, which is corresponding to the Emperor Huang going to the north. The offspring of Emperor Huang in the north and south create the Chinese culture together.
出处 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期30-39,共10页 Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金"中国南北两大生业区早期文明进程比较研究"(项目号:13XZS030)阶段性研究成果
关键词 黄帝 颛顼 青阳 the Emperor Huang Zhuanxu Qingyang Ku Yao Yu
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