
Does glioblastoma cyst fluid promote sciatic nerve regeneration?

Does glioblastoma cyst fluid promote sciatic nerve regeneration?
摘要 Glioblastoma cyst fluid contains growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins which are known as neurotrophic and neurite-promoting agents. Therefore, we hypothesized that glioblastoma cyst fluid can promote the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves. To validate this hypothesis, we transected rat sciatic nerve, performed epineural anastomosis, and wrapped the injured sciatic nerve with glioblastoma cyst fluid- or saline-soaked gelatin sponges. Neurological function and histomorphological examinations showed that compared with the rats receiving local saline treatment, those receiving local glioblastoma cyst fluid treatment had better sciatic nerve function, fewer scars, greater axon area, counts and diameter as well as fiber diameter. These findings suggest that glioblastoma cyst fluid can promote the regeneration of injured sciatic nerve and has the potential for future clinical application in patients with peripheral nerve injury. Glioblastoma cyst fluid contains growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins which are known as neurotrophic and neurite-promoting agents. Therefore, we hypothesized that glioblastoma cyst fluid can promote the regeneration of injured peripheral nerves. To validate this hypothesis, we transected rat sciatic nerve, performed epineural anastomosis, and wrapped the injured sciatic nerve with glioblastoma cyst fluid- or saline-soaked gelatin sponges. Neurological function and histomorphological examinations showed that compared with the rats receiving local saline treatment, those receiving local glioblastoma cyst fluid treatment had better sciatic nerve function, fewer scars, greater axon area, counts and diameter as well as fiber diameter. These findings suggest that glioblastoma cyst fluid can promote the regeneration of injured sciatic nerve and has the potential for future clinical application in patients with peripheral nerve injury.
出处 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第10期1643-1649,共7页 中国神经再生研究(英文版)
关键词 nerve regeneration peripheral nerve injury sciatic nerve injury cyst fluid glioblastoma growth factors neural regeneration nerve regeneration peripheral nerve injury sciatic nerve injury cyst fluid glioblastoma growth factors neural regeneration
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