

Analysis of the lactation curve of primiparous rabbit does in summer
摘要 为了探讨夏季初产母兔的泌乳规律及特点,试验采用二次函数(QF)、修正的β函数(BF)、修正的多项式函数(PF)、高斯函数(GF)以及Wood模型(WM)对测定的30只母兔1~28 d每天的泌乳量进行评估。结果表明:母兔1~28 d泌乳期间个体的总泌乳量为(4 077.60±834.48)g,平均日泌乳量为(145.63±29.80)g,泌乳量峰值出现在第21天。所有模型均表现出较好的拟合效果(0.823≤R^2≤0.941),其中GF模型拟合度(R2)值最高,拟合的函数模型为y=186.574e-12[(t-20.490)/13.016]2,拟合的曲线与实际泌乳曲线较为吻合,表明高斯函数是本研究中的最佳泌乳曲线拟合模型。 To investigate the lactation regularity and characteristics of primiparous rabbit does in summer, daily lactation amount of 30 rabbit does from 1 to 28d during lactation period were evaluated using quadratic function (QF), modified beta function ( BF), modified polynomial function (PF), gauss function (GF), and Wood model (WM). The results showed that the total lactation amount and average daily lactation amount during lactation period was (4 077.60±834.48 ) and ( 145.63 ± 29.80) g, respectively. A peak of lactation amount appeared at 21 d. All the models presented a good fitting to the average lactation curve (0. 823 ≤ R^2 ≤0. 941 ). GF model showed had the highest R^2 value and the fitting fuction was: y = 186. 574e ^-1/2(t- 20. 490)/13. 016]^2. The fitting curve was consistent with the actual lactation curve, indicating that the Gauss function was the best fitting model of lactation curve in this study.
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期226-228,231,共4页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目(201303143) 四川省"十二五"畜禽畜种攻关项目(2011NZ0099-4) 国家兔产业技术体系项目(CARS-44-B-4)
关键词 夏季 初产母兔 泌乳量 拟合模型 泌乳曲线 summer primiparous rabbit doe lactation amount fitting model lactation curve
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