

The Poverty-Stricken Students and Their Financial Sources in the Medieval English Universities
摘要 英国中世纪大学贫困生大多是出身寒微之人。他们人数众多,是大学生中一个重要的群体。这一群体通过经济资助与勤工俭学获得必要的经济来源。经济资助包括学院设立的固定奖学金、教会的赞助性圣俸和各种形式的个人资助。勤工俭学主要表现为充当仆人或担任实习教师。不同渠道的经济来源既是英国中世纪社会环境使然,也为贫困生接受大学教育提供了机会,促进了英国中世纪的教育公平与社会发展。贫困生的经济来源折射出英国中世纪大学教育与社会发展之间的互动关系。 The overwhelming majority of the poverty-stricken students came from fairly humble backgrounds in the medieval English universities. They were numerous and an important group among the students. They obtained the necessary financial sources through the financial aids or the work-study programs. The financial aids involved the fixed scholarship from the college, the supporting benefice from the church, and various forms of the private contributions. The work-study programs were serving as the servant, the cadet teacher, and so on. Different forms of economic sources were the result of the medieval English historical conditions, which provided the poverty-strick- en students with the opportunity to go to the university, and promoted the education equity and social development in the medieval England, reflecting the interactive relationship between the university education and the social development in the medieval England
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期142-146,共5页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-12-0873)
关键词 中世纪 英国大学 贫困生 经济来源 the Middle Ages English university poverty-stricken students financial source
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