利玛窦是中国天主教史的奠基者,也是第一个取中国式名字的外国人。对于其中文名字"利玛窦"来源及涵义,自晚明至今存在多种诠释。本文认为,"利玛窦"="利玛+窦":"利玛"乃Matteo Ricci各取前两个字母"Ma"和"Ri"之音译;"窦"本应为"老窦",取自粤方言"老(豆)窦",原意为"父亲",用来称谓神职人员,可以引申为"神父",这恰与利氏之"神父"身份契合,"利玛老窦"即"利玛神父"之意。同时依中国人名用字习惯,将"老"字去掉,即为"利玛窦"。
As the founder of Catholic history in China, Matteo Ricci is the first foreigner who used a Chinese name. There have been several different interpretations on the source and connotation of his Chinese name Li Madou since late Ming Dynasty. In the author's opinion, Li Madou means Li Ma and Dou, which translated Ma and Ri from the first two letters of Matteo Ricci into Li Ma, and Dou came from Lao Dou in Cantonese and it meant father, which was the title of clerics and was put forward as Father. It just corresponded with his status. According to the habit of Chinese name, the word Lao was sponged out, that is, Li Madou.
Journal of Beijing administration institute