

Effect of Cross-brain Electrical Stimulation Apparatus on Exercise and Recovery Capacity
摘要 采用陕西师范大学自行研制开发的专利仪器跨颅脑电刺激仪,对实验对象分别以不同时间段的等强度电刺激实验者的脑颅部,进行跑台训练,并采用MAX-II运动心肺功能测试系统,将运动前后电刺激颅脑部对运动能力及恢复能力的影响情况进行对比研究。研究发现,运动前电刺激实验者的颅脑部,具有明显延长运动时间的趋势。运动后电刺激实验者的颅脑部则对恢复能力没有明显效果。 The Shaanxi Normal University self- developed patent instrument development cross brain electrical stimulation, the subjects re-spectively in different time and intensity of electric stimulation of the experimenter's Ministry of the neurocranium, treadmil training, and using max- ii cardiopulmonary exercise test system, movement before and after electrical stimulation of cranial brain comparative study on athletic ability and recovery ability. The study found that the head of the electric stimulation of the motor before exercise has a tendency to prolong the time of movement. After exercise, the brain of the electrical stimulation of the brain had no obvious effect on the recovery a-bility.
出处 《科技风》 2015年第22期38-39,共2页
关键词 跨颅脑电刺激仪 运动平板 布鲁斯方案 电刺激 运动能力 恢复能力 Cross- brain electrical stimulation apparatus flat- Sports Bruce program Electrical stimulation Athletic ability Recovery ca-pabilities
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