
浅谈基于开源软件实现SDN控制器 被引量:1

Initial Discussion on the Implementation of SDN Controller Based on Open Software
摘要 SDN是现今网络技术发展的重要方向,在目前的众多开源项目中,OpenDaylight可利用已实现的功能模块进行灵活的功能扩展,提供简单易用的开发工具,获得了越来越多开发者的青睐。首先介绍了SDN的基本概念、应用架构,然后介绍了SDN控制器的主要开源开发资源。重点介绍了OpenDaylight提供的开源控制器的主要组件和架构,以及利用它开发SDN控制器的方法和思路。 SDN is the important direction of network technology development. In the numerous open source items,OPenDaylight obtains developer's preference for the flexible function expansion ability. It first expounds the basic concept and application architecture,describes the main open source development resource of SDN controller. It focuses on the major components and architecture of open source controller provided by OpenDaylight,and the methods and consideration on developing SDN controller by using the above.
作者 李心舒
机构地区 南京师范大学
出处 《邮电设计技术》 2015年第10期68-71,共4页 Designing Techniques of Posts and Telecommunications
关键词 SDN 开源 控制器 OpenDaylight SDN Open source Controller OpenDaylight
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