
论艺术公共自由 被引量:4

Public Freedom of Art
摘要 按中外传统,艺术自由的重要性在于艺术家的想象力的自由游戏,由此而产生的艺术可以让人们体验到人生中最宝贵的自由感。中国现代艺术界的艺术自由观诚然以艺术家自由创作为核心,但又往往服从于民族国家的整体权益。当今艺术自由应是跨越传统的艺术家自由和新兴的公众自由之上并加以涵摄的第三种艺术自由即艺术公共自由,其实质在于艺术家与公众之间的艺术共同自由。艺术自由及其社会基础是马克思主义美学和艺术理论传统的组成部分。面对艺术公共自由时应继续从上述传统获取资源。中国人眼中的艺术自由不同于西方宗教那种超越于现实人生之上的无拘束状态,而是主体面对现实状况而自觉实施的内心超越行为。艺术公共自由应突破艺术家与公众之间的对峙而寻求跨越两者之间的一种共同的公民自由及平等境界,其要素为合法、尚俗、循规、依仁、触境和游艺,其实现途径为由低到高的四层次构架,即自然境界、功利境界、道德境界和天地境界的心赏之自由。艺术公共自由的核心在于以艺术活动为依托的公心涵育的进行。公心涵育是公民的公正之心、共同之心的自觉修养及其成熟状况,拥有这种素养的公民才更有可能享受真正的艺术公共自由。艺术公共自由的目标由从低到高的五级台阶组成,即美己拒人、美己远人、美己近人、美己美人和美美异和。 According to tradition of China and foreign countries, the significance of art freedom lies in the free games of artists'imagination. Art generated from such free imagination could let readers or audiences experience the sense of freedom which is the most precious thing in life. In modern Chinese art circle, the freedom overview of art is certainly centered with artists' free creation, and yet at the same time it always is submitted to the overall rights and interests of nation and country. As regards to freedom of contemporary art is supposed to be the third freedom that transcends and include traditional freedom and newly -rising public freedom. In essence, it is a freedom mutually enjoyed by artists and the public. Art freedom and its social basis is the traditional composite of Marxism aesthetics and art theory. Con- fronting art public freedom, we should continue to achieve resource from the above - mentioned tradition. Art freedom in Chinese people's eyes is different from an unrestrained state transcending reality living publicized by western reli- gion. However, it stresses the inner transcendence behavior consciously implementing when the subject confronts practical situation. Art public freedom should break through the conflict between artists and the public, but should seek a mutual civilian freedom and equality transcending that conflict. And this includes legality, advocating custom, adhering to the law and regulations, taking benevolence as the norm, and indulging oneself in arts. The actualizing means could be categorized into four layers: natural idea realm, utility idea realm, moral idea realm, and idea realm of heaven and earth. The art public freedom mainly lies in the public spirit cultivation derived from art activities. Public spirit cultivation is the conscious culturing and its mature condition of the civilians'justice and heart of com- mon. Only those civilians who have such cultivation could possibly enjoy the true art public freedom. And the ultimate goal of art public freedom lies in the harmony of different beauties.
作者 王一川
出处 《艺术百家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期48-69,共22页 Hundred Schools In Arts
关键词 艺术学理论 艺术自由 艺术公共自由 内心超越行为 公心涵育 美美异和 Freedom of Art Public Freedom of Art Inner Transcendence Behavior Cultivation of Public Spirit Harmony of Different Beauties
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