
大数据时代数字图书馆面临的机遇和挑战 被引量:262

Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Digital Libraries in the Era of Big Data
摘要 大数据时代,网络学术资源建设快速发展,大有取代数字图书馆之势。在这样一种背景下,数字图书馆建设要有大数据思维:在资源建设方面,要拓展资源范畴,增加资源整合的广度,加强资源组织加工的深度;在技术应用方面,重视语义技术,加强聚类技术的应用,广泛应用数据分析技术,提升检索技术与水平;在服务方面,丰富数字图书馆服务产品,服务模式由被动、等待、共性化转向积极主动、自动推送和个性化。未来数字图书馆要跳出传统资源建设的框架,树立全方位服务的理念,提供全资源服务,拓展服务方式和传播形式,数字图书馆馆员应该立志成为数据分析家。 With the rise of academic resource database vendors in the big-data era, several important vendors in China, such as CNKI, Wanfang, Weipu and Superstar database as well as some online resource vendors, such as Baidu, are developing rapidly in the resource construction in respect to the academia, education and culture. These resource construction vendors are continuously expanding their information resources and at the same time diversifying the forms of service. It will cause great threat to the survival of digital libraries. The issues such as how the digital library survives and develops, whether it will be replaced etc, must be paid great attention to. Therefore, the original concept about resources, organizational resources, technology, services and functions of digital libraries should be changed, and the infrastructure of digital libraries should be reconstructed. In this way the current challenges might be turned into opportunities for the rise of digital libraries. The article reviews several related research works and summarizes some important researches and their main achievements in the big data era of digital libraries. Learning from the resource vendors, we propose to use big data thinking to construct digital libraries in the era of big data. The major points of this paper are described as follows: In the aspect of the development of a digital library, we propose to extend the resources of digital libraries by including not only the information in literature but also the information from governments, network with broad social concerns; We also suggest to expand the scope of resource integration in digital libraries, which aims at not only integrating resources within the library, but also integrating the information resources from social point of view and from the network platform, especially integrating the resource useful in solving com- plex problems; furthermore, to improve the depth of process for digital library resource organization, it is necessary to pay more attention to the deconstruction and reconstruction of knowledge during resource pro- cessing. In the aspect of technology application for digital libraries, we propose to adopt technology relative to se- mantic web application, and to build a framework able to link different types of semantic relationships from heterogeneous resources, such as integrating the semantic relationship implied in existing thesaurus and die- tionaries into digital resource description, improving the current clustering algorithms to make the data more fit for specific problems and able to detect the patterns in the dataset. We discuss the widely used technolo- gies for data analysis, because in the future, the digital library will live on the resources and depend on these technologies to provide high-quality data products. We emphasize the importance of grid search method about cross-platform and cross-resources seamless search for future digital library, which can provide more powerful semantic retrieval results to enhance the performance and quality of information retrieval. In the aspect of digital library services, we emphasize the expansion of service products of the digital li- brary. Apart from providing the literature information and related information on the internet, a digital library should be able to provide the think-tank products, such as the product of recycled resources, the product of information analysis, and the video product of science, education and culture resources. Moreover, the service mode of digital libraries should change from passive and general services to active, automatic push and personalized service mode. When considering the position of strategic development of digital library, we believe it is essential to jump out of the conventional infrastructure of resources in digital libraries. The digital libraries should provide omnibus information service based on the full resource services and further extend the types of service and the ways of transmission. Digital libraries also need to shift some part of their focus to provide high-end service, such as to support decision-making or to tackle key research projects. Finally, we suggest new standard of requirements of being a librarian, which requires every librarian should aspire to become a data analyst. The contribution of this paper is that it proposes the orientation of developing the digital library in the fu- ture and discusses the related potential problems. 18 refs.
作者 苏新宁
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期4-12,共9页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"面向知识服务的知识组织模式与应用研究"(编号:71273126)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 大数据 数字图书馆 资源建设 服务理念 服务模式 Big data. Digital libraries. Resource development. Service ideas. Service mode.
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