
社区公共服务综合信息平台居民使用行为研究 被引量:13

Factors Affecting the Use of Community Comprehensive Information Platform of Public Service
摘要 居民为什么接受或抵制社区公共服务综合信息平台,哪些因素在影响着居民的采纳意愿和使用行为,是一个值得研究的问题。本文利用扎根理论的方法,以山东省J市L区L社区为调查对象,基于30位受访者的深度访谈资料,通过开放式编码、主轴编码、选择性编码和理论饱和度检验等几个阶段,构建了社区公共服务综合信息平台居民使用的概念模型。结果表明,社区环境因素影响居民的认知,居民认知与环境因素共同影响居民的使用,环境因素、居民个人认知和使用行为三者之间相互作用。研究结果对提高社区公共服务综合信息平台的居民使用率具有积极的理论和实践意义。 Community Comprehensive Information Platform of Public Service (hereinafter referred to as platform) is the basis for building community information system. Researchers have mostly focused on the building and evaluation of the platform; only a small number of researches, mainly descriptive, had their focus on the use of community members. In this paper, Community L in City J is taken as an example for the research based on grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews were carried out for 30 respondents over a period of four and a half months to explore why community members accepted or refused the platform, which factors influenced the willingness of community members to accept the platform and their behaviors when using it. Analysis data for this paper were finally obtained by sorting, integrating, and carrying out cross-exam/nation of the records of all interviews. The research consists of the following phases: open coding, axial coding, selective coding, theoretical saturation verification. At the end of the previous four research phases, a theoreticalmodel of the factors influencing the use of platform by community members is developed, which indicates that community environmental factors influence the personal cognition, and the personal cognition and environmental factors have combined effect on the use of platform of community members. It can be seen in the research that the personal cognition is the psychological attribution of platform use behaviors. Factors, such as self-efficacy perception, platform value perception, use demand and community attachment, significantly contribute to the use behaviors. However, the four factors show different influencing patterns on the use behaviors at three levels. Specifically, the platform value perception and community attachment have more significant effect on the community members' acceptance of information service. The use demand has obviously greater effect compared with the other three factors on the use of the platform's online service. Further, as for the use of platform, all these four factors have combined effect on the community members' acceptance of the participation service. Environmental factors have significant effect on the acceptance and use behaviors. Comprehensive and thorough publicity and excellent committee service quality promote the use of platform. Among the environmental factors, the community factors and platform service have different effects on personal cognition in different phases. The community factors are leading factors influencing the personal cognition and from which the psychological attribution of acceptant behavior originates. And the platform service may adjust the personal cognition during the use of the accepted platform service. This qualitative research based on grounded theory identifies variable categories, such as the promotion of the platform, community committee service quality, platform value perception, which are rarely mentioned in previous researches through a more comprehensive analysis, explores the mechanism of interaction between the environmental factors and users' personal cognition and behaviors, further verifies the social cognitive theory and applies this theory in the research on the use of platform. 1 fig. 3 tabs. 34 refs.
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期61-72,共12页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"社会化阅读服务用户持续使用的行为机理研究"(编号:71373144) 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"移动阅读系统用户持续使用的理论模型:基于情感视角的实证研究"(编号:12YJA860010)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 社区公共服务 综合信息平台 用户使用行为 深度访谈 扎根理论 Community public service. Comprehensive information platform. Users' behavior. In-depth interview.Grounded theory.
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