
多设备环境下网络信息搜索行为研究综述 被引量:21

A Review on Information Search Behavior Under a Multidevice Environment
摘要 本研究在对国内外相关文献调查的基础上,采用扎根理论的研究方法,对文献中的原始内容进行编码分析,探讨多设备环境下网络用户信息搜索行为的研究进展。研究发现:用户搜索活动跨越不同类型的设备成为一种趋势;用户的网络信息搜索行为受搜索内容、时间、地点、设备种类等因素交叉影响;用户搜索数据的共享能够支持用户的搜索活动在不同设备间转移。针对现有研究的一些问题,未来研究应重点关注以下内容:深化理论研究,构建相关的搜索行为模型;选择更多的设备类型;收集更多类型的用户数据;在数据描述基础上,探讨深层原因,分析用户行为的个性化差异;开发多设备环境下支持跨设备搜索的系统、应用等。 With the rapid development of the mobile internet, users can employ smarter devices to find information, and it is increasingly popular to search across multiple devices. This paper examines users' search behaviors in multi-devices environment. We utilized literature survey method and retrieved relevant articles using "multi-device search""cross-device search""cross-plafform search" " multi screens search" "cross-screen search" and "cross sessions search" as search terms to search in ACM Digital Library, Taylor & Francis, Springer, Emerald, WOS, EBSCO, Google scholar, CNKI, Baidu and Google. We identified a total of 72 highly relevant articles. The classical grounded theory method was used to encode the original contents of the references via ATLAS. ti. These original contents of 72 references include experimental data analysis results, user interview or questionnaire survey results, user behavior research conclusions, etc. The results of our study show that users' search behavior in the multi-device environment has thefollowing characteristics: 1) The users' information needs are more diverse and rich, and their search processes are more complex since they may need more search sessions to complete the task. 2) Users' information search behaviors are influenced by the search content, search time and search location. 3) Interruptions to users' search may come from external environment, function of the device and other factors, which increase the chance of multi-device search. Especially, when users can not satisfy their complex information needs in long search sessions or through several simple queries, their search processes often involve multiple devices. 4) Device transition may be influenced by the device, search task, search process, and environmental factors. One important future task is to deepen theoretical research and constructing the relevant search behavior models. 3 figs. 15 tabs. 72 refs.
作者 吴丹 梁少博
出处 《中国图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期109-127,共19页 Journal of Library Science in China
基金 武汉市国际科技合作项目"移动用户复杂信息搜索策略分析与行为建模研究"(编号:2015030809020371)的研究成果之一~~
关键词 网络信息 搜索行为 跨设备搜索 多设备环境 Network information. Search behavior. Cross-device search. Multi-device environment.
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