With the rapid economic development and tile push of informationization, scholarly society is the first choice and the lihvary ' s development is faced with the challenge as the main hattlefield. At present, advocating universal reading and constructing a "scholarly society" have sounded in the whole society. The university library should take this opportunity to be liberated from traditional service concept, based on the reality, the values, service model and other aspects of innovalinn, to achieve the reposilinn of itself. The comhination of three following aspcets, namely, leading culture as a core value of the library which is the guiding idcology of the library all the work, pilot reading as an important mission of the university library which is the local point of all the work of li- brary, and the university lihraryy as the place to preserve the knowledge, the civilization, the inheritance, the cuhivatinn, and the cmbodiment, which is the corner points and the essential requirements, shouhl remodel self-image, actively put into the tide of cul- tural construction, to achieve its own development and transcendence contribute to the building of Chinese civilization.
Journal of Weinan Normal University
scholarly society
library concept
value innovation