
基于实践的手语翻译问题与解决途径——关于第七届世界手语大会手语翻译问题的反思 被引量:2

Reflections on Sign Language Interpreting Problems at the Seventh International Conference of Sign Language Users( SIGN 7)
摘要 2014年10月13日至15日,第七届世界手语大会在中州大学召开。与会期间,中州大学为会议提供了由24名手语译员组成的翻译服务团队,保障了会议期间信息传递的顺畅。但由于我国手语翻译专业教育起步晚,职业化程度低,翻译过程中出现了信息流失量过大、专有名词处理不当、手语口译效果欠佳、表情语言表达能力欠缺等问题。本文针对会期翻译过程的实际情况进行分析和反思,在手语翻译培养、翻译方法与技巧等方面提出了一系列合理化建议。 On 13th to 15th Oct. , 2014, the Seventh International Sign Language Users Conference held in Zhongzhou University. During the meeting, Zhongzhou University selected 24 sign language interpreters to build up a translation team offering translation services to guarantee the smooth transmission of information during the meeting. However, due to the sign language interpreters professional education started late in China and the low level of professionalization, some issues appeared during the translation like information loss too much, nouns mishandled reasonable, the poor effect of sign language interpreters, the lack of expression and language skills and so on. Aiming at the actual situation of the translation process, this paper analyzes and reflects in sign language interpreter training, other aspects Of the translation methods and techniques to make a series of rationalization proposals.
出处 《现代特殊教育》 2015年第4期68-72,共5页 Modern Special Education
关键词 世界手语大会 手语翻译 反思 International Conference of Sign Language Users sign language interpreter reflection
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