
国际法规范效力等级体系研究 被引量:2

The Hierarchy of International Law Regulations
摘要 传统国际法规范扁平式的结构模式,已难以应对全球化背景下国际法体系多样化和碎片化的发展趋势以及由之引发的数量激增的国际法规则间的冲突。国际强行法、关于国际社会整体义务理论、国际软法等理论被国际社会逐步认可和接受,进一步证实了国际法等级体系的现实存在。基于国际社会特殊的权力结构和决策机制,也基于国际法规范自身相对规范性特点及国际法主体对国际规则制定较强的影响力和主观能动性等因素制约,探索构建严格层级的国际法规范效力等级体系,意义重大且任重道远。 The flat structure model of traditional International regulations has been difficult to deal with the conflicts between the norms of International Law, the number of which increased sharply under the background of globalization and the development trend of diversification and fragmentation of International Law system. The emergence and universal recognition of hard law, Obligation and Soft Law theories, which also further confirm the reality of the Hierarchy of International Law. Therefore, considering the constraints of the International community special power structure and decision-making mechanism, the relative normative of norms of International Law and the strong influence of the subject of International Law, it is of great significant to explore how to construct a strict hierarchy of the norms of International Law.
作者 肖雯
出处 《天中学刊》 2015年第6期45-49,共5页 Journal of Tianzhong
关键词 国际法 效力等级 相对规范 强行法 软法 International Law hierarchy relative norm hard law soft law
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  • 1《联合国宪章》第103条
  • 2例如1949年日内瓦公约共同第3条已成为国际习惯法部分,而且同样能够顺理成章地获得强行法地位(See Larry D.Johnson:"The In-ternational Tribunal for Rwanda",at International Review of Penal Law,Vol.67,No.1-2,1996)笔者认为,在该公约中的其他有关条款以及其他多边刑事条约中的许多条款均已具强行法属性;强行法的标准并不仅仅以是否成为国际习惯为准;再说这里的国际习惯应是指国际刑事习惯;首先提出国际强行法概念的国际法律文件是1969年《维也纳条约法公约》,可见该公约第53条.
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  • 1Soreing v. UK ,1989, 11 ECHR 439, also in Martin Dixon & Robert McCorquodale ,eds.,, CasesMaterials on International Law, Oxford University Press, 2003, p. 288.
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  • 3《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》,第3条.
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