
肺炎冲剂治疗小儿支气管肺炎临床及实验研究 被引量:4

Clinical and Experimental Study on T reatment of Infant Bronchial Pneumonia by Anti-Pneumonia Instan t Powder
摘要 目的探讨肺炎冲剂治疗小儿支气管肺炎的疗效及机理。方法将245例支气管肺炎患儿随机分为观察组(165例)和对照组(80例),两组均予头孢噻肟钠静点,观察组口服肺炎冲剂,对照组口服急支糖浆;用试管法作体外抗菌试验,用孙氏综合法作体内抗菌实验,观察(1)三联疫苗对致热兔体温的影响,(2)10%氨水对小鼠实验性咳嗽的影响,(3)10%蛋清液对大鼠足跖肿胀度的影响,并作长期毒性试验和最大耐受量测定。结果退热、止咳、平喘、湿罗音消失时间及临床疗效,观察组均优于对照组(P<0.005);体外抗菌试验对金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎球菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、流感嗜血杆菌、溶血性链球菌、绿脓杆菌的MIC依次为1.0950、1.0950、1.4600、1.0950、0.3650及0.3650g/ml,MBC依次为1.460、未测出、未测出、1.4600、1.0950及0.7300g/ml;体内抗菌实验对肺炎球菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌感染小鼠的ED50测定分别为3.3306和3.5768g生药/kg体重,95%可信限分别为2.2718~4.0752和2.2999~4.2648g生药/kg体重;对三联疫苗致兔体温升高有显著降温作用;对小鼠实验性咳嗽有显著的镇咳作用;对大鼠蛋清型足跖肿胀有显著的抗炎作用;长期毒性试验未见明显药物毒性反应及药物蓄积性反应发生;小鼠LD50为80g/kg·d。结论肺炎冲剂可明显改善小儿肺炎的体征和症状。 Objective:To study the mechanisms and curative effects of Anti -Pneumonia Instant Powder.Methods:245Infants with bronchial pneumo-nia were divided randomly into 2grou ps,experimental group(165cases)and controlled group(80cases).Both of which Sodium Cefotaxime were injected intravenously.And the exp erimental group received the Anti -Pneumonia Instant Powder while the c ontrolled group received Acute Bronchitis Mixture.Thereafter,ex ternal and internal antibacterial t ests were performmed.Also such effects w ere observed as triple vaccines on fevered rabbits,10%ammonia water o n the experimental cough of rats and10%egg white on swelling degree of ra ts' plantar region.In the meantime,long -term toxicity tests were perfo rmmed and maximum tolerance limit wes measured.Results:S uch effects obtained from the experimental group as reducing fever,relieving cough a nd asthma,vanishing time of moist rales and clinical curative effect were prior to that of the controlled group(P<0.005).External and internal antibacterial tests suggested that the mixture had wide antibacterial effe ct and no side effects and poisoning reaction.A notable treatment effec t has achieved in reducing temperatu res of the fevered rabbits induced by triple vaccines and in relieving experi-mental cough of rats as well as in redu cing the swelling of the plantar region of rats induced by egg white.L ong -term toxicity tests have not got obvious poisoning reaction and accu mulative reaction and the LD50 of the rats is 80g /kg·d.Conclusions:Anti -Pneumonia mixture functions i n relieving the symptoms and improvin g the physical signs of infant pneu-monia,reaching a good clinical trea tment.
出处 《中国中医急症》 2002年第1期7-8,共2页 Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研基金资助课题(No.95JK059)
关键词 支气管肺炎 肺炎冲剂 儿童 中药疗法 抗菌试验 疗效 毒性试验 Infant bronchial pneumonia,Treatm ent with TCM,Anti -Pneumonia Mixture
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