1《席构纪录片:徘徊在纪录片和虚构片的十字路口》.( Docufictions : essays on the intersection of documentary and fictional filmmaking),主编Gary D. Rhodes and John Parris Springer. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Co 2006 年出版.
3[美]阿兰·罗森萨尔(Alan Rosenthal)主编.《何为纪录剧情片——影视巾事实的虚构》《Why DocudramaFact—Fiction On Film and TV.》,美国南伊利诺斯大学出版社,1999年版,第370页.
4None of the real people, companies or organizations that appear in this film are affiliated or associated with the film. Or its producers in any way. Nor have they approved its content. This film is fictions. 见《总统之死》.
5《虚构纪录片:徘徊在纪录片和虚构片的十字路口》( Docufictions : essays on the intersection of documentary and fictional filmmaking)主编 GaryD.RhodesandJohnParrisSpringer.Jefferson,N.C.:McFarland&Co2006年出版.