为提升射频识别(RFID)系统中单阅读器多标签环境的识别效率,给出一种在标签编码前缀相同条件下使用的混合算法。先通过Q算法调整帧长,使之与待识别标签总数近似相等,以达到最大识别效率,并给未识别的碰撞标签标记分组号,再对已分组的碰撞标签使用反向查询树算法(QTR)一一识别。根据EPC C1G1标准,在单阅读器多标签的系统环境下,选取标签编码长度为96位,分别在标签编码完全随机与标签编码前60位相同两种情况下进行仿真,结果表明在标签编码前缀相同时,较之QT算法、Q算法,混合算法可提高系统吞吐率,降低阅读器发送总时隙数。
In order to improve the effciency of single reader under multi-tags RFID system, a hy- brid algorithm is proposed to use in a particular condition which tags number have the same pre- fix. In the first step of this algorithm, the Adaptive Slot-Count (Q) algorithm is used to adjust the frame size to approach the number of tags to achieve maximum efficiency and divide the colli- sion tags into group. In the second step, the Query Tree with Reversed IDs (QTR) is used to i- dentify collision tags grouop by group. According to EPC C1G1 Standrad, in the single reader and mulit-tags system enviroment, simulation is carried out with the size of tag number of 96 in two cases: complete random and same prefix of tag number. Result show when the tags number has a same prefix, compared to QT and Q algorithm, the hybrid algorithm could improve the throught rate and reduce the number of slots.
Journal of Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications
multi-tags anti-colision, hybrid algorithm, query tree with reversed IDs, throught rate