介绍了Turbo码的编译码原理和常用的译码算法。使用Altera DE4开发板对Turbo编译码进行硬件实现,给出了实现中功能模块的详细划分情况。本次实现的Turbo码的相关参数取自3GPP的长期演进(LTE)协议,针对LTE中不同场景下码长不同的情况,对硬件采取了可配置参数的设计,符合LTE链路中任意情况下的Turbo码的规范。最后搭建了验证平台,将硬件得到的数据和仿真的结果进行对比,验证了实现的正确性。
The principle of encoding and decoding for Turbo code and the Log-MAP decoding algorithm are introduced. The encoding and decoding processes are implemented on the Altera DE4 development board and the parameters of the encoder and decoder are based on the 3GPP Long Term Evolution(LTE) standard,which can work with any code length in LTE physical link. Finally,a simulation platform is built. The data from hardware implementation and simulation are compared to verify the feasibility of this implementation.
Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology