
一种新型赋形喇叭的优化与设计 被引量:2

Optimization and design of a new type of profiled horn
摘要 提出并仿真了一种由3种形式的曲线组合成轮廓的新型赋形喇叭,其辐射性能表明其具有对称性、低副瓣、低交叉极化和很高的高斯耦合效率。在频率39 GHz^42 GHz范围内,端口回波损耗小于-20 d B,天线辐射效率接近100%,耦合效率达到98%以上,和波纹喇叭的电性能相当。因此,它可以作为一种高效的高斯束辐射器,用来代替加工相对复杂且成本偏高的波纹喇叭。 A new type of profiled horn with contour constituted of three kinds of curves is presented and simulated. Its radiation performance shows good circular symmetry,low sidelobes,low cross-polarization and high Gaussian coupling efficiency. In the frequency range of 39 GHz-42 GHz,the return loss is below-20 d B, the antenna radiation efficiency approaches to 100%, and the coupling efficiency reaches 98%, which is comparable to the performance of corrugated horn. Therefore it can be used as an efficient Gaussian beam launcher to take the place of corrugated horn which is relatively complicated and costly.
作者 王龙 窦文斌
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2015年第5期779-782,共4页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61171025)
关键词 波纹喇叭 赋形喇叭 辐射方向图 高斯耦合效率 低副瓣 交叉极化 corrugated horn profiled horn radiation pattern Gaussian coupling efficiency low sidelobes cross-polarization
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