
数字岩心重建与孔隙参数分析 被引量:1

Reconstruction of digital core and analysis of pore parameters
摘要 针对岩心物性实验周期长且难以复现等问题,利用数字岩心图像分析技术进行岩心物性研究。以岩心铸体薄片图像为训练图像,根据模拟退火算法进行三维重建,获得岩心三维重建图像。通过计算机断层扫描(CT)技术,获得同组岩心序列图像。在2种方式获得的图像中利用最大球模型提取岩心孔隙结构,计算孔隙与喉道尺寸及分布,将结果与压汞法测定的岩心毛管分布进行比较,分析了当前数字岩心技术与物性实验之间的区别与原因。结果表明,铸体薄片图像和CT图像可以有效表征岩心大尺寸孔隙特征,但物性实验方法可以测定微小孔隙尺寸,由于成像设备所限,数字岩心不能刻画该类孔隙特征。 Digital core image analysis technique is utilized in the core physical study in order to solve the problems such as time-consuming and difficult to reproduce of the core physical properties experiments. Taking the two-dimensional(2D) slices of the core as the training images, a threedimensional(3D) image is reconstructed by the simulated annealing algorithm. A 2D image sequence of the same series is acquired by Computed Tomography(CT) technique. The pore structures are extracted from these two sets of images. Pore-throat sizes and their distribution are calculated by maximal balls model. By comparing the results with that of the mercury intrusion method experiments, distinctions and reasons between the current digital core analysis technique and traditional core physical properties experiments are analyzed. Results show that the large pores could be depicted in 2D slices and CT images. However, the core physical properties experiments are able to measure the size of micro pores, while the digital core reconstruction method could not due to the limitations of imaging equipments.
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2015年第5期788-793,820,共7页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61372174 60972130)
关键词 三维重建 模拟退火算法 最大球模型 计算机断层扫描 岩心物性实验 岩心孔隙结构 three-dimensional reconstruction simulated annealing algorithm maximal balls model Computed Tomography core physical properties experiments core pore structure
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