
高校科研数据管理的需求评估方法研究 被引量:11

A Study on the Needs Assessment Methods of Research Data Management in Universities
摘要 科研数据管理需求的评估是开展科研数据管理的起点和基础,通过文献调研和网络调研,对英美高校常用科研数据管理需求的评估方法(数据资产框架、数据管理纲要、科研数据基础设施和目标协同评估、社群能力模型框架及纲要工具)进行介绍分析,从评估目标、评估内容、评估程序和评估工具方面总结其设计思路和经验,从而为我国高校科研数据管理需求的评估提供参考和借鉴。 Research data management needs assessment is the starting point and basis of research data management in universities, and as- sessment methods have great effect on the quality and effectiveness of research data management needs assessment. The guidance of specif- ic methods is urgently needed in research data management needs assessment activities in Chinese universities. Through literature survey and network survey, four kinds of methods widely used in UK and USA universities (DAF,DCP,CARDIO,CCMFS^r) are introduced, analyzed and compared, which provides specific methods reference for research data management needs assessment in Chinese universities.
作者 张萍 周晓英
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第11期188-192,198,共6页 Journal of Intelligence
关键词 科研数据管理 需求评估 评估方法 高校 research data management needs assessment assessment methods universities
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