在河北省中南部地下水超采综合治理中,用低耗水作物部分替代冬小麦种植是农业节水增效的手段之一。以油葵、马铃薯、小黑麦为参试作物,通过调整播期使其在6月成熟收获,分别以其在河北省中南部低平原区的平均产量水平为目标产量,在水肥管理也均接近于其生产平均水平条件下,对3种替代作物的单位面积耗水量和经济产出以及节水经济效益与冬小麦进行了对比。结果显示,3种替代作物的单位面积经济效益和1 m3水产出的经济效益均跃冬小麦,其中,除小黑麦单位面积经济效益与冬小麦差异不显著外,其他指标与冬小麦差异均达到了显著水平。马铃薯单位面积经济效益最高,达到12 519.0元/hm2,较冬小麦高29.86%,但其单位面积耗水量略多于冬小麦,1 m3水产出的经济效益(8.3元/m3)居参试作物第3位;油葵单位面积经济效益为10 758.0元/hm2,较冬小麦高11.59%,但单位面积耗水量最少(仅为CK的69.1%),1 m3水产出的经济效益(10.7元/m3)居参试作物第1位;小黑麦的单位面积经济效益与冬小麦相当,但单位面积耗水量为冬小麦的70.1%,1 m3水产出的经济效益(9.5元/m3)居参试作物第2位。根据需要和种植情况,用低耗水作物可以部分取代冬小麦种植,达到节水和增效的目标。
Low water consumption crops instead of winter wheat is one of the agricultural water-saving measures in mid-south region of Hebei Province.Using oil sunflower,potato and small rye as tested crops, water consumption per unit area,economic output and water saving economic benefit of 3 alternative crops were compared with winter wheat under certain management measures. The results showed that economic benefit per unit area and economic output of 1 m3 water of 3 alternative crops were all over winter wheat. Except for the difference of economic benefit per unit area between small rye and winter wheat,the dif-ferences of other indexes reached a significant level. Potato economic benefit per unit area was the high-est,reaching 12 519.0 yuan/hm2 and 29.86% higher than winter wheat.Water consumption per unit area of potato was slightly more than that of winter wheat,and economic output of 1 m3 water (8.3 yuan/m3) was third in 3 alternative crops. Oil sunflower economic benefit per unit area was 10 758.0 yuan/hm2,11.59%higher than winter wheat. Water consumption per unit area of oil sunflower was the least and only 69.1% of CK. Economic output of 1 m3 water (10.7 yuan/m3) was first in 3 alternative crops. Small rye economic benefit per unit area was equivalent to that of win-ter wheat, but water consumption p er unit area was 70.1% of winter wheat. E conomic output o f 1 m3 water (9.5 yuan/m3) was second in 3 alternative crops. According to the actual needs and planting situation,low water consumption crops can partial-ly replace winter wheat in order to achieve the goal of water saving and efficency.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
Low water consumption
Alternative crops
Economic benefit