
西方专利制度发展历程简论 被引量:3

A Survey of the Development of the Western Patent System
摘要 通过对三次工业革命发展历程的论述发现,对于专利制度而言,技术与市场的推动作用甚为重要。从这个角度讲,专利制度必须出生在市场经济的条件中,而技术的飞速发展才能带来其制度上的进一步革新。技术与市场,就如同飞机的两翼一样,推动着整个专利制度的进步。 Combing the discussion of the development course of the three industrial revolutions, it is found that the promotion of technology and market is vital for the patent system. With this it can be safely assured that patent system must be born in conditions of market economy, and the rapid development of technology can bring about further institutional innovations of patent system. Like two wings of aircraft, technology and market are promoting the progress of the whole patent system.
作者 毛克盾
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2015年第6期69-73,共5页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
基金 国家知识产权局软科学项目"专利制度与新技术发展的适应性研究"(SS14-B-14)阶段性成果
关键词 工业革命 专利制度 技术 市场 激励创新 industrial revolution patent system technology market incentive innovation
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