目的 探讨CT引导立体定向多靶点联合毁损术治疗难治性精神分裂症的疗效。方法 对难治性精神分裂症患者行双侧扣带回、内囊前肢及杏仁核毁损术,并随访判断疗效变化。结果 术后随访三至六个月,有效为88%,显效为43.5%,无效为12%。六个月至二年随访,有效为79.6%,显效为51.8%,无效为20.4%。结论 CT引导立体定向术多靶点联合毁损术治疗精神分裂症是一种较安全、有效的方法。手术后应配合药物等综合治疗,以巩固疗效。
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of CT-guided stereotactic surgery on intractable schizophrenia. Methods A lesion was made respectively in bilateral cingule gyri, forelirab of the internal capsule and amygdaloid nucleus in the 172 patients with intractable schizophreia. The patients were followed up for three months to two years to confirm the curative effect. Results Of the 172 patients, 88% had good outcome (43.5% very good) and 12% no improvement 3-6 months after the operation; 79.6% good (51.8% very good) and 20.4% no change 6 months to 2 years after the operation. Conclusions Treating intractable schizophrenia by the CT-guided stereotactic surgery is safe and effective. The continued conservative treatment following the operation is very important to consolidating the curative effect.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery