
西方代表性官僚制的研究理路 被引量:1

The Way of Research on Representative Bureaucracy in the Western Countries
摘要 西方代表性官僚制研究是从内涵揭示入手,把内容框定在描述性代表和实质性代表的范围之内。为了寻求立论基础,学者们从行政权控制、弱势群体保护、政策制定与执行协同、工作创新与效率等方面夯实其研究的合法性根基。西方代表性官僚制的研究从提出问题奠定研究基调为起点,经历了从传统的被动代表性状况研究、被动代表性导向和主动代表性的生成机理研究、主动代表性效度的验证研究,再拓展到主动代表性达成条件的研究。代表性官僚制的提出及深入探讨,其实质是学者们为解决代议制民主缺陷和困境而作出的尝试与努力。 The research contents of representative bureaucracy are confined to descriptive representation and substantive represen- tation, which starts from its connotation exposure. In order to seek its argument foundation, the scholars define several roles it plays, such as controlling administrative power, protecting vulnerable groups, supporting policy making and execution, and promoting innovation and work efficiency, to consolidate its research legitimacy. Starting with the definition as a foundation, its research dimensions expand from traditional passive representation description, the generation mechanism from passive representation to active representation, active rep- resentation verification, to the terms achievement of active representation. Essentially, the research on representative bureaucracy is that the scholars endeavor to deal with the flaws and predicaments existing in representative democracy.
作者 孔凡宏
出处 《陕西行政学院学报》 2015年第4期5-11,共7页 Journal of Shaanxi Academy of Governance
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"代表性官僚制视域下我国公务员队伍的代表性问题实证研究"(14YJC 810006)
关键词 代表性官僚制 主动代表性 被动代表性 代议制民主 representative bureaucracy active representation passive representation representative democracy
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