
基于换乘衔接的单线末班车衔接方案优化方法 被引量:2

Optimization Plan of Single Line Last Train Connection Based on Transfer Connection
摘要 城市轨道交通网络化运营模式下,网络运营协调成为提高城市轨道交通系统整体服务水平和发挥其总体运输效能的关键,而末班车衔接方案的优化,更是路网协调方案优化的重点。以单线末班车为目标,基于多地点衔接约束,建立了城市轨道交通单线末班车衔接方案优化编制模型(简称SLLTM),并针对模型的全局非连续、局部连续且线性单调的特性,提出了相应的分步分段求解算法。并通过案例进行了验证,结果表明,所提出的模型及算法简单实用,能够为路网末班车衔接方案编制提供一定的依据。 In urban rail transit network operation mode, coordination of network operation becomes the key to improve the service level and the overall transportation efficiency of rail transit system, in which an optimized last train coordination is even important for the whole plan. In this paper, aiming at optimizing the last train connection on single line, and based on multi-point connection constraints,a rail transit single line last train optimizing model(SLLTM for short) is established. Then, in view of the characters of the model, such as the discontinuity in the global,continuity and linear drab in the local,a step by step segmentation algorithm is proposed. Through verification of a practical case, it shows that the proposed model and algorithm is simple and practical,and could provide a certain basis for theconnection plan of last train in rail transit network.
出处 《城市轨道交通研究》 北大核心 2015年第11期59-63,共5页 Urban Mass Transit
关键词 城市轨道交通 网络化运营 换乘衔接 末班车 多点衔接 urban rail transit network operatiom transfer connectiom last train multi-point connection
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