
面向移动云计算的轻量级数据完整性验证方法 被引量:3

A Method for Lightweight Verification on Data Integrity in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment
摘要 研究了面向移动云计算的数据完整性验证技术,依托BLS短签名算法和Merkle哈希树,提出了一种适合在移动云计算环境中部署的数据完整性验证方案.该方案针对移动云计算环境中的移动设备计算能力较低和通信传输能力较弱的情况进行设计,能以相对较少的计算量和较低的数据通信量完成可信度较高的数据完整性验证.该方案还具有支持验证外包、无需源文件块直接参与验证、验证中无状态信息保存、以及支持对云端数据的动态操作等特性,适合于移动云计算环境中面向数据的应用. The data integrity verification in mobile cloud computing environment was analyzed. A method for lightweight verification on data integrity was proposed,which was based on BLS short signature scheme and Merkle Hash tree data structure. Considering the resource constraints and"harsh"environment of mobile devices,the method is suitable for mobile computing environment and has many good features of proposed schemes. Through the method the verification process could be accomplished with high accuracy,light computing and lowdata transmission. In this method,outsourcing verification was supported,data integrity could be verified without using directly source file blocks,process of verification could be stateless,and dynamic data operation could be archived in cloud. It is suitable for the service on data in mobile cloud computing environment.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1562-1566,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61003185) 辽宁省教育厅一般项目(L2013098)
关键词 移动云计算 数据完整性验证 轻量级数据 数据安全 云计算安全 mobile cloud computing data integrity verification lightweight data data security cloud computing security
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