
一种用于多点定位监视系统的TOA估计方法 被引量:1

A New TOA Estimation Method for Multilateration Surveillance System
摘要 信号的TOA估计精度是决定多点定位监视系统目标位置精度的关键因素之一。由于噪声的影响,传统的信号到达时间估计方法会带来较大的系统时间同步误差,从而影响所监视目标位置精度。针对多点定位系统对信号的到达时间的高精度要求,本文提出了一种基于差分匹配滤波的信号到达时间测量方法。在多点定位监视系统建模的基础上,本文对传统到达时间估计方法和本文所采用估计方法的误差进行了对比分析,仿真结果验证了本文算法的有效性,工程实践应用验证了本文方法的实用性。 Time of arrival (TOA) estimation accuracy of the signal is one of the critical factors which determine target positioning accuracy of a muhilateration (MLAT) surveillance system. However, more system' s time synchronization error due to noise would be generated by using traditional estimation method, which will affect positioning accuracy of detected target. A new TOA measurement method based on differential matched filtering is presented to meet higher TOA accuracy required by the MLAT system. Based on MLAT surveillance system modeling, comparison between error of the traditional method and that of the new method presented is performed. Simulation results show that the method is effective; and applicability of this method has been verified through practical engineering.
出处 《火控雷达技术》 2015年第3期1-5,共5页 Fire Control Radar Technology
关键词 多点定位监视系统 到达时间 差分匹配滤波 目标位置精度 multilateration surveillance system TOA differential matched filtering target positional accuracy.
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