
文化资本对网络政治参与的影响——以城市居民为例 被引量:4

Influence of Cultural Capital on Online Political Participation:A Sample Analysis of Urban Residents
摘要 本文基于文化资本视角,对我国城市居民的网络政治参与及其影响因素进行了定量分析。研究发现,我国城市居民的网络政治参与水平总体偏低,参与方式以网络政治意见表达和交流为主,网络政治行动的参与比例很低。研究还发现,人口特征变量和网络使用变量对网络政治参与没有显著影响,而作为具体化文化资本的政治知识、政治技能、政治观念,以及作为制度化文化资本的政治面貌,都对网络政治参与有显著的影响;与制度化文化资本相比,具体化文化资本对网络政治参与的影响作用更为显著。 Based on the angle of cultural capital, this paper has made a quantitative analysis of online political participation and its influential factors among Chinese urban residents. The research has found that Chinese urban residents have a low level of online political participation on the whole. Their online participation mainly focuses on the expression of and conversation about political opinions, and the political activity on the internet attracts very small participants. Research shows that the variables of demographics and internet application have no significant influence on online political participation. While, political knowledge,skills and sense as specified cultural capital, and political identity as institutionalized cultural capital, have significant influence.Meanwhile, different types of cultural capital have different influence. Specified cultural capital shows a more remarkable influence on online political participation.
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期59-68,127,共10页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国公民网络行为规范及引导抽样调查研究"(10BSH025) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"中国特色虚拟社会管理模式研究"(12&ZD083)
关键词 网络政治参与 文化资本 政治知识 政治技能 政治观念 Online political participation Cultural capital Political knowledge Political skills Political sense
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