The rumors in the Revolution of 1911 era are the result of times and exert a great influence on the public opinions. Rumor is a social culture which grants a research view for the study of the Qing Dynasty history. During this period the Qing government defended the old traditions and suppressed the public opinions which resuited in the low national governance competence to monitor rumors. Besides, those natural and man - made disasters in the local and the people of least education produced a seedbed for the rumors' existence and spread. The revolution party members exploited the rumors to create an advantage of public opinions, mainly through painstak- ingly praising the revolution and alienating the whole Qing government. As one of the greatest influential news media, Shenbao on the one hand published many rumors to reflect the time phenomenon and the people' s social psychology; on the other hand made itself become the carrier of the rumors. The efforts from Shenbao to eliminate the rumors and its seeking for news truth 'also become the inner conditions of the paper' s development. The records of rumors by Shenbao supply a fresh view - sight for looking into the social culture in the period of late Qing Dynas
Journal of Hechi University
the Revolution of 1911 era