
从记者到“新闻官”:国民党新闻管理者的职业抉择和职业悲剧——以董显光、曾虚白、马星野为中心的探讨 被引量:9

From journalists to officeholders:The Career Choices of KMT's Propaganda Administrators An discussion focused on Dong Xianguang,Zeng Xubai and Ma Xingye
摘要 本研究着眼于阐释以董显光、曾虚白、马星野等为代表的原新闻从业者,在国难日深、民族危亡的大时代里,自觉投身体制,成为管理者之后,左右于"自由/民主"和"国家/道统"的内心矛盾和纠结。研究发现,这些浸染过"自由主义"底色的国民党新闻管理者,都不同程度地存在着角色的冲突和矛盾。早年的教育背景和记者从业经历,使他们在内心深处认同和向往自由主义的新闻事业;但他们自小又大多接受了良好的儒家传统教育,继承了中国传统文人"忠君爱国"、"先天下之忧而忧"的秉性,面对着内忧外患的国家现状,他们不约而同地做出了"救亡压倒一切,甚至是牺牲自由"的选择,毅然加入国民党宣传机关,做起了新闻官。但这也使得他们在面对党员/报人、党纪/职业伦理等诸多互为矛盾的角色和抉择时,进退失据。而真诚地拥抱权力和体制则使他们丧失了知识分子"议政参政"的土壤条件,最终沦落为国民党党政科层体制中的"事务性技术官僚"。 This thesis attempts to interpret the inner conflict and entanglement of journalists in KMT and takes Dong Xianguang,Zeng Xubai and Ma Xingye for example, who are in a dilemma between "Liberty & Democracy" and "Country & Confucian Orthodoxy" in an age of deepening national crisis. It can be concluded that role conflicts and contradiction existed in various degree in those journalists in system of KMT, who have been imbued with liberalism. As advocators of liberalism, they identify the concept and yearn for the freedom of journalism, but they have been cultivated by the traditional Confucianism from an early age and inherit those virtues from traditional literati, such as patriotic and loyalty to the monarch, first concern about the world. They accept the ideasaving the nation overriding at the cost of freedom'and put into practice coincidently by participating in propaganda department of KMT in face of internal and external troubles. However, that also makes them caught in a dilemma, when facing with party members & journalists, party discipline & professional ethics. The attraction of power and System make them less accessible to the participation in the administration and discussion of state affairs, and eventually they become technical officers of the hierarchical system of KMT.
作者 王明亮 秦汉
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期127-148,共22页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"中国共产党城市办报史研究(1921-1949)"(项目编号:15BXW010)的阶段性成果~~
关键词 国民党 新闻管理者 角色困惑 职业抉择 KMT, Journalists, Role Confusion, Career Choice
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