The ring rolling mill made by Northeast Light Alloy Co.,Ltd. is designed for producing large- size aluminum alloy rings. The rolling principle and the electrical control are introduced,including system configuration,main components,their functions,as well as the relationship between each roll's drive and main parameters of the rolling control. With Siemens S7- 300 PLC as the core of the system,information is provided by buttons and control switches,transferred to PLC via input modules and Profibus,processed and output via output modules and Profibus to control solenoid valves on motors and to computers for data display. Each roll is driven by a DC motor facilitated with a DCS500 B DC speed regulator of ABB,to keep speed regulation smooth and rotating speed stable.PLC control on each link and state are depended on calling corresponding subprogram via application software. Mathematical models are set up for some control targets whose parameters need mathematical operation can meet control requirements. This equipment can roll rings of different alloys or sizes both in manual and automatic modes at high speed.