
大学生网络使用与网络利他行为:网络使用自我效能和性别的作用 被引量:23

Internet Use and Online Altruistic Behavior in College Students:The Role of Internet Use Self-efficacy and Gender
摘要 以湖北省武汉市两所大学的562名大学生为被试,采用网络利他行为问卷、网络自我效能感问卷和网络使用行为问卷对其进行问卷调查。考察网络使用自我效能在网络使用和网络利他行为之间的中介作用及该中介作用是否受到性别的调节。结果发现:(1)男生在网络利他行为和网络使用自我效能上均显著高于女生;男生在网络游戏、网络信息的使用上显著高于女生,男女生在网络社交上不存在显著差异;(2)网络使用(网络社交、网络信息、网络游戏)与网络使用自我效能、网络利他行为均呈显著正相关,网络使用自我效能与网络利他行为呈显著正相关;(3)网络使用自我效能在网络使用和网络利他行为的关系中具有中介作用,性别在网络使用与网络使用自我效能之间具有调节作用,相对于女生,网络使用自我效能的中介效应在男生群体中更为显著。 The present study examined whether Internet use self-efficacy mediated the relationship between Internet use and online altruistic behavior,and whether this mediating process was moderated by gender. 562 college students in Hubei province completed anonymous questionnaires regarding Internet altruistic behavior,Internet use self-efficacy and Internet use. The results showed that males scored higher on online altruistic behavior,Internet use self-efficacy,online game behavior,and Internet information behavior than females,but there was no gender difference in online social interaction. Internet use,including online social interaction,Internet information behavior,online game behavior,was positively correlated with Internet use self-efficacy and online altruistic behavior;Internet use self-efficacy was positively correlated with online altruistic behavior. The positive association between Internet use and online altruistic behavior was mediated by Internet use self-efficacy. Moreover,the mediating effect of Internet use self-efficacy was moderated by gender,and this mediating effect was stronger for males than that for female.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期685-693,共9页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(15CSH018)
关键词 网络利他行为 网络使用 网络使用自我效能 性别 中介作用 online altruistic behavior Internet use Internet use self-efficacy gender mediating effect
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