
竞争性内源RNA与肿瘤发生的研究进展 被引量:2

Research progress on the competing endogenous RNA and tumorigenesis
摘要 微小RNA(miRNA)可与信使RNA(mRNA)的3'端非翻译区(3'UTR)互补结合,降低mRNA的稳定性或抑制mRNA的翻译,负性调节靶基因的表达。然而一些mRNAs、假基因、长链非编码RNA(LncRNA)以及环状RNA(circRNA)含有某些miRNA结合位点,可通过miRNA应答元件(MREs)竞争性结合相同的miRNA,解除或减轻miRNA对靶基因的抑制作用,调节靶基因的表达,这种作用机制称为竞争性内源RNA(ceRNA)假说。在肿瘤的发生过程中,mRNAs、假基因转录物、lncRNA、circRNA可作为ceRNA,通过竞争性结合相同的致瘤性或抑瘤性的miRNA,起到抑制或促进肿瘤发生的作用。 MiRNA can reduce the stability of the messenger RNA or inhibit the translation of the messenger RNA by targeting its 3'-Untranslated Region( 3'UTR),thereby negatively regulate the expression of the target gene. Nevertheless,some mRNAs; pseudogenes; long non-coding RNAs( LncRNA) and circRNAs can competitively combine with the same miRNAs by miRNA respone elements( MREs),removing or reducing the inhibition of genes targedted by the miRNAs and regulating the expression of the tagert genes. This mechanism is called competing endogenous RNA( ceRNA) hypothesis. In the process of tumorigenesis,mRNAs; pseudogene; LncRNA and circRNA can function as a ceRNA and can promote or inhibit the occurrence of tumor by competiting the binding site of same miRNAs that can promote or suppress tumorigenesis.
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 2015年第11期1549-1553,共5页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(81302041) 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金(BK20130454)
关键词 ceRNA MIRNA 靶基因 肿瘤发生 ceRNA miRNA target gene tumorigenesis
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