型面加工是汽车覆盖件模具制造的重要内容。本文介绍了基于Power MILL的汽车覆盖件模具数控编程步骤,重点讨论了工艺思路及刀轨优化的经验和方法。最后,以汽车后裙内板拉延凹模为例,叙述了Power MILL在汽车覆盖件模具数控加工中的编程应用。
The surface machining is very important in the manufacture of panel dies. The steps of NC programming about automobile panel dies are introduced in detail by the author, and the discussion is also made, which is about the technology idea of panel dies, there is some experience to be shared. Finally, the application , how to use Power MILL to create NC program, is demonstrated by an example of the concave drawing die of a panel, called rear apron Interior plate belongs to a developing automobile.
Journal of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College