宾川县自2014年开始启动新一轮退耕还林工程,按照传统的工作方法,地块落实难度大。对Google Earth和Arc GIS软件进行研究分析,创造性地将二者结合起来用于退耕还林地块落实、面积求算以及工程管理,极大地提高了内外业工作效率和工程管理质量。藉此阐述了应用Google Earth和Arc GIS进行小班区划、图形转换、编辑、面积求算、地块查询管理等方法及步骤。
The new round of Grain for Green Project in Binchuan County has been conducted since 2014. According to the traditional methods, the implementation of land zoning has been facing enormous difficulty. Based on the study of Google Earth and ArcGIS software, the application of combining the two in Grain for Green Project for forest land zoning, area calculating and project management has greatly improved the efficiency of internal and external business and project management quality. Thereby, the methods and procedures of Google Earth and ArcGIS in small class divisions, graphic conversion, editing, area calculating, land inquiry and management also have been described in this paper.
Forest Inventory and Planning