
现代企业制度视阈下大学生创业法律意识的培养 被引量:6

Cultivation of college students' legal consciousness in business startup from perspective of modern enterprise system
摘要 现代企业制度对大学生创业行为提出明确或潜在的要求,现代企业制度的背景是市场经济,而市场经济就是法制经济,大学生创业相关法律意识的强弱、对法律风险识别、风险防控的预先安排及应对能力的高低,直接影响到大学生创业的成功与否。本文围绕现代企业制度的基本内涵与内在要求,结合大学生创业常见法律风险,阐述在创业教育中应注意培养创业者现代企业制度背景下,符合市场经济现实的法律意识及其基本的法律风险识别、防控与应对能力。 The modern enterprise system has explicit or implicit requirements for the college students in their business startup process. The background of modern enterprise is market economy,and the basis of market economy is legal system. The degree of the students' legal consciousness,their ability of risk identification,and their ability of risk prevention and control are the critical factors that determine whether the students can be successful in their business startup. In view of the basic connotation and requirement of modern enterprise system,the paper illustrates the ways and necessity of cultivating the students' legal consciousness and risk consciousness in the entrepreneurship education,so that the students can be well prepared to deal with the possible legal and risk issues in their business startups.
作者 汪琳
出处 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2015年第5期46-50,共5页 Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology
关键词 现代企业 创业 法律风险 防控 modern enterprise business startup legal risk prevention and control
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