
国外保险消费纠纷替代性解决机制及其启示 被引量:2

Alternative Dispute Resolution System of International Insurance and Its Enlightenment
摘要 以"替代性纠纷解决方式"且通过专门的争议解决机构处理保险争议是国际上化解保险活动当事人之间矛盾和管控保险纠纷的优选方法。保险消费纠纷的专业性呼唤针对性的解决机制。两大法系国家保险消费纠纷解决机制的探索,对我国保险消费争议处理机制的建立具有借鉴价值。应考虑保险消费纠纷的特性,结合现行法律框架下的程序机制,探索整合性、独立、专业化和权威的替代性纠纷解决途径,建立保险消费纠纷解决专门法,保护保险消费者的权益,促进保险业的健康发展。 It is the preferred method to dissolve the insurance contradictions between the parties and control insurance disputes through "alternative dispute resolution"(ADR)and setting a special body.The specialty of the insurance disputes calls for the specific settlement mechanism.The explorations in the insurance dispute resolution mechanism of the two law systems have reference value for the establishment of the Chinese insurance dispute resolution mechanism.We should consider the features of the insurance consumption disputes,combine the procedures under the current legal framework,explore the integrated,independent,professional and authoritative alternative dispute resolution,and establish the specific law to resolve the insurance consumer disputes,so as to protect the rights and interests of insurance consumers and promote the healthy development of the insurance industry.
作者 于海纯
出处 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第4期92-99,共8页 Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科规划基金项目"保险消费者保护制度及实施研究"(13YJA820060) 2010年北京市哲学社会科学"北京市保险合同纠纷诉讼外解决机制研究"(10BaFX083)
关键词 保险纠纷 保险消费者 替代性争议解决机制 insurance disputes insurance consumer alternative dispute resolution system
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