
末端F/T传感器的重力环境下大范围柔顺控制方法 被引量:12

A wide range compliance control method in gravity environment based on end force / torque sensor
摘要 为了实现机械臂重力环境下的大范围柔顺控制,提出了一种基于末端受力/力矩(F/T)传感器的重力环境下大范围柔顺控制方法,将机械臂末端力的控制以关节空间基于位置的阻抗控制策略实现。采用基于机械臂运动学的方法对末端重力进行实时补偿,去除末端重力对F/T传感器测量值的影响,并将各方向F/T测量值转换到基坐标系下,然后根据基坐标系下各方向F/T情况,修正末端位姿,并将修正后的末端位姿反解到关节空间,通过各关节位置控制器实施柔顺控制。实验结果表明,该方法能够实时补偿重力对机械臂末端F/T传感器测量值的影响,使机械臂在重力环境下不借助任何外部设备,实现任何末端位姿下的柔顺控制,证明了该方法的有效性和可行性。 To achieve robotic compliance control over a wide range under gravity, a wide range compliance control method in gravity environment based on end force/torque (F/T) sensor was proposed, which controls the stress on manipulator' s end through a joint space position impedance control strategy. In order to remove the influence of the end' s gravity on the F/T sensor measurements, and convert the F/T measurements to the base coordinate system, a real-time compensation of the end' s gravity with manipulator kinematics was conducted, meanwhile, the manipu- lator end position and pose were fixed, by reversing the F/T in each direction under the base coordinate system to the joint space to implement compliance control through the joint position controller. The experimental results show that this method can compensate for the effects of gravity on the robotic end F/T sensor measurements in real time, so that the manipulator could comply with external force in any position or posture in gravity environment , without the aid of any other device. This proves the effectiveness and feasibility of this mathad
出处 《智能系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期675-683,共9页 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2012AA111004) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61175075)
关键词 机械臂 F/T传感器 运动学 柔顺控制 重力补偿 manipulator force/torque sensor kinematics compliance control gravity compensation
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