对象管理组织(Object Management Group,OMG)颁布的数据分发服务(Data Distribution Service,DDS)规范有两种发送模式,一种为尽量发送,一种为可靠发送。在舰载信息系统中,DDS通常默认为尽量发送模式,这并不能保证系统的可靠性。因此,针对DDS规范中可靠发送模型进行深入研究,分析可靠协议在正常状况下及丢包状况下的工作流程。根据可靠性的要求,通过配置相关Qo S策略调整发送队列和接收队列的长度以及心跳检测信号的发送频率。最后,通过尽量发送和可靠发送两种模式的性能测试比较说明各自所适用的情况。
There're two delivery models of data distuibution service (DDS) which is published by OMG, best-effort delivery model and reliable delivery model. DDS uses best-effort delivery by default in the communication system of warship. However, besteffort delivery can't satisfy the reliability of communication. This paper researches on reliable delivery model and analyses how the reliable protocol of DDS works in nomal and sample-lost situations. Relative QoS policies are configured to set up sizes of sending queue and receiving queue and frequency of heartbeat messages. At last, the comparision of best-effort delivery and reliable delivery declares the situations which the two models apply to.
Microcomputer & Its Applications